Sunday, December 10, 2006

NRA Fashion Design Awards

No, I’m not blogging on the National Rifle Association – but the other NRA’s – duh, the National Retail Association. Hmm, of course you say. So the Australian Fashion Design Awards were on last night – shafted to a Saturday night timeslot I might add. It all went down at the “GC” (Gold Coast) Convention Centre (which looked pretty snazzy) and was hosted by Richard Wilkins and Deborah Hutton.

The highlight was Darb Couture winning practically everything, including a new car. The low point was probably cutting to an ad break every five minutes. Tsk, Tsk, Channel Nine.

Celebrities on hand were designers Akira Isogawa, Collette Dinnigan, model Lara Bingle and television presenter Natalie Gruzlewski. We urr, really brought out the big guns.

Special mention to the Academy of Design: two of their students were included in the Student Category. Go team!

No pictures as of yet.

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