Friday, March 30, 2007

This Hair Is Beyond Wrong

Even if this "hairstyle" (dare I call it that) was first-thing-in-the-morning hair, it would still be tragic. It kinda resembles a wig actually. I'm noting this fashion faux pas as yet another incident of 'Money Doesn't Buy You Style'. I could probably do my thesis on this topic.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I think I have this same beanie

Although mine is Country Road and David Beck's is probably Gucci (and made from some exotic wool). What exotic wool is, I do not know - but it's out there alright.

And the Award for Miss Slutty goes to...

Drum roll please.


In true Christina Aguilera style, she left the house in this little number. But the question remains, how does one leave said house like this in the first place? I swear celebrities need round-the-clock minders to monitor every single thing they wear, do, and say.